Sunday, December 1, 2013

Author Spotlight - Jack Teaches His Friends To Be KidSafe!

Sally Berenzweig, MEd, MA, Child Safety Expert, Mental Health Professional, Educator, Author, Public Speaker, Safety Expert on Facebook Safety and Jefferson Award Winner 2012 - Sally Berenzweig is a former Psychotherapist who has a Masters in Elementary Education and a Masters in Counseling Psychology. She has worked with survivors of sexual abuse as well as in private practice. She specializes in child safety, prevention education workshops and parenting skills. Sally is the Coauthor of "KidSafe For Kids" an 8 week curriculum for children ages 4 – 12 and two children’s books "Jack teaches his friends to be KidSafe!" and the 2011 Literary Award Winning children’s book "My Body is Special and Belongs To ME!" Sally was the recipient of 2012 Jefferson Award for Public Service.

Cherie Benjoseph, LCSW, Child Safety Expert, Mental Health Professional, Educator, Author, Public Speaker and Mom -Cherie Benjoseph has been working in the field of social work, specializing in children and families, since 1989. After earning her Masters in Social Work from Boston University Cherie took a position as a public school guidance counselor in Boston. One particular student who shared with Cherie that she was being sexually abused by her step father changed Cherie’s direction and she became focused on prevention education. She trained and specialized in violence prevention/conflict resolution, active parenting skills, and her main focus, personal safety. KidSafe was soon created and she began to bring the message of personal safety to children in South Florida.

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING? In developing our KidSafe for Kids program we realized the importance of using books to help teach children important life skills.

WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR AWARD WINNING TITLE? Sally-- (my son named Jack who is almost 13 now) was 4 years old and he asked if he could come with me to teach KidSafe. He said "I want my friends to be safe too" and a light bulb went off and we realized that it would be an incredible way to review our 8 lessons by letting "Jack" teach his friends all the safety skills his parents taught him.

IS THIS YOUR FIRST BOOK? No – our other award winning books is My Body is Special and Belongs To ME!

DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? Yes – we are writing a book for parents. Each of our children’s books has a section in the back for adults on how to keep their children safe and continue the learning our books offer. We realized we need a book just for parents to expand on the material.


WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS AN AUTHOR? The whole process was extremely challenging - however it has been beyond rewarding to receive feedback, awards and reviews from children, parents, teachers, guidance counselors and professionals who love our book and how they have helped them.

One foster parent who received our training and a book shared this:
I want to take a moment to explain what an impact Cherie Benjoseph and the book had on my family, without breaching the confidentiality of my case. After our training class (on Saturday, 1/28/12) I went home and discussed the book with my kids. They were very engaged and asked a lot of questions about "unsafe touches" as well as actions that made them feel confused and uncomfortable. That night they revealed some additional information to me that was not mentioned before in this case. Five days later (at the most inopportune time I might add) the girls revealed a plethora of incidents that they were exposed to. I believe that without the combination of the book and the "poker face" training and me building a trusting relationship with the girls we may have never gotten to this point. I can go on all day talking about how much we love these kids and the actions we take to protect them, but we were missing an extremely important element that could have very easily gone unnoticed. I cannot express how grateful I am that these kids will never be part of the statistics that don’t speak up. I don’t know how I would have reacted to receiving what they were telling me if I wasn’t told to have a poker face and reassure them about how brave they are and how happy I was that they felt like they could trust me with that information. They started the conversation shy and uncomfortable and at the end they were smiling and looked as if a huge load was taken off their shoulders. They were proud of themselves. And now they tell me every little thing that ever happens :) I don’t think that there was ever a lack of trust. I feel that perhaps it never dawned on the girls that these things that happened to them were wrong and needed to be reported. Whatever the reason, I plan to read this book to every child I ever come in contact with. I have already shared it with family, coworkers and friends (but I told them that they had to buy their own!).

Thanks again!


LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Karmack, by J.C. Whyte, earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Sully is the "Big Cheese" of the 5th grade and the greatest bully of his trio of elementary school thugs.  But he and his hoodlum buddies have finally tipped the karmic scale and Sully comes face to face with karma incarnate when Karmack, a whimsical and lovable little character, appears on the scene to set things straight.  Now whenever Sully or his cohorts bully it comes back to them in full karmic force.  When Karmack reveals that doom awaits Sully and his friends if they do not stop bullying, things begin to take an interesting turn at Higgins Elementary School. 

Karmack is a captivating pre-teen fantasy and author J.C. Whyte has created a strong cast of characters that are well developed and quite likable.  As the story progresses, the suspense builds to a delightful outcome that is sure to keep readers anticipating Whyte's next round of literary treasures.  We look forward to seeing more from this author.

Karmack comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Book Review - The Adventures of Bella & Harry Book Series

The Adventures of Bella & Harry book series is the embodiment of classic children's literature.  Expressive and whimsical illustrutions are coupled with imaginative text which is both entertaining and educational.  The Bella & Harry series incites an interest in the vastness of a world which is rich in diversity and culture.  Join sibling Chihuahuas, Bella & Harry as they travel around the globe experiencing the sights and wonders of this incredible planet.  The educational value of these books is cleverly disguised amidst dozens of illustrated pages which are sure to win the hearts of young readers.

The Adventures of Bella & Harry Book Series is the recipient of the 2013 Literary Classics International Book Awards for Best Children's Book Series.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - Evelyn and the Two Evas, by Evelyn Rothstein

Evelyn and the Two Evas, by Evelyn Rothstein is a true story based on the author's childhood.  When two young refugees from Austria come to her school in America just before WWII Evelyn, who attended school in the Bronx, was intrigued by her two new classmates.  Both girls were Jewish, both from Austria, and both named Eva.  Despite having so much in common, the two Evas were both quite different from each other and both had very different needs.  Evelyn made it her goal to befriend the girls, one who spoke a little English, and the other who did not speak any English at all.  By excercising compassion and coming to understand the loss each girl was experiencing, Evelyn helped ease their transition into a new and foreign environment. 

Evelyn and the Two Evas, is a book that will connect with young readers on a very personal level.  This book is enlightening from the historic perspective as well as on an emotional level as it relates to human nature in dealing with sadness, loss and insecurity.  Evelyn Rothstein, once again, exhibits true literary talent in her ability to portray a story with many layers of depth intertwined within a captivating story.

Evelyn Rothstein's Evelyn and the Two Evas, is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval Recipient, and a 2013 Literary Classics International Silver Book Award Winner.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Monday, November 25, 2013

Book Review - Bink & Slinky's Ark Adventure

Bink & Slinky's Ark Adventure is a fun twist on the Noah's Ark story we all know and love.  This book is told from the perspective of two little snails, Bink and Slinky.  Told in ryhme, the main premise of the story is to have faith and know that God will provide.  Enchanting illustrations with charming details and whimsical expressions complete this book which will most assuredly become a favorite on many children's bookshelves. 

Bink & Slinky's Ark Adventure is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval Recipient, 2013 Literary Classics International Book Award's Best First Picture Book Award Recipient, and Faith Based Gold Award Recipient.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - Greet the Dawn: The Lakota Way

S.D. Nelson's Greet the Dawn the Lakota Way is a beautifully written and illustrated children's picture book.  From beginning to end, with each turn of the page, S.D. Nelson creates a visual and literary experience that is a pure delight to behold.  Nelson's calming depiction of the peaceful coexistence of man and nature in harmony stirs the heart and the imagination.  This is a wonderful book to teach children about Lakota ways as well as a love and respect for mother nature.

S.D. Nelson's Greet the Dawn the Lakota Way is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval Recipient  as well as a 2013 Literary Classics International Silver Book Award Recipient.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - Dear Frank: Babe Ruth, The Red Sox, and the Great War

Dear Frank: Babe Ruth, The Red Sox, and the Great War is a work of fiction chronicled through a series of letters penned by a young boy to his big brother, Frank, during World War I.  This book relays the many hopes and dreams of Bostonians as seen through the eyes of a young boy.  The politics of war and baseball play a key role in this story, as does the touching sentiment of a brother and family who all greatly miss the presence of Frank  in their lives.  Gems of historical fact are interspersed throughout the book, making this a fascinating and enjoyable read.

W. Nikola-Lisa exhibits rare talent in this genuinely touching book about the bond between brothers, the hardships of war. . . and the joy of baseball. 

Dear Frank: Babe Ruth, The Red Sox, and the Great War is a Seal of Approval Recipient and earned two Gold Awards in the 2013 Literary Classics International Book Awards.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - Finding My Place, by Margo Dill

Finding My Place, by Margo Dill is a book that is sure to resonate with a youth audience.  The story of Anne Green, a girl living in Vicksburg during the Civil War, is the poignant tale of a thirteen year old who is teetering between youth and womanhood.  When tragedy strikes, she must find a way to cast aside her insecurities and fears in order to keep her family together in the midst of the devastation of war.

Dill has created a stirring work of historically based fiction that is as educational as it is alluring. Anne Green is a character readers will connect with from the onset as she struggles with casting aside her youthful ways while striving to become the responsible young woman her mother has always encouraged her to be. 

Finding My Place, by Margo Dill is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval recipient and is also the recipient of the 2013 Literary Classics Eloquent Quill Book Award.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - About a Farm by Marc Kuhn

Award Winning Book - About a Farm

Marc Kuhn employs the use of allegory in a series of short stories all taking place on a farm.  From messages great and small, his use of simple passages speaks volumes to readers of all ages.  Children will love the stories and will most definitely benefit from the deeper meanings tucked neatly within each story.   About a Farm is a book that kids will want to read again and again, and adults will enjoy knowing that the messages within will be providing children with a solid foundation for critical thinking from youth into their adult lives.

About a Farm comes highly recommend as an effective tool for teaching valuable life lessons

About a Farm is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval Recipient as well as a 2013 Literary Classics Book Award's Gold Recipient

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Book Review - Living with Your Past Selves

Taliesin Weaver is no ordinary young man.  In fact, you could hardly call him a young man at all given the many former lives he has lived.  As memories of his past lives suddenly begin revealing themselves in snippets of memories, he struggles to keep his reincarnations a secret.  But his best friend can't help but notice some very peculiar changes in Tal's demeanor. 
Living with Your Past Selves, a debut novel by Bill Hiatt, is one of those books that stays with you long after you've turned the last page.  The characters are honest and genuine and the events that unfold within this riveting novel incorporate a rare combination of sci-fi with time travel and a little Arthurian legend thrown in for good measure.  Hiatt weaves loads of action and adventure with just the right blend of humor to make this captivating read a grand success.

Living with Your Past Selves is a Literary Classics Seal of Approval Recipient and is also a 2013 Literary Classcs Silver Award recipient.


LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Author, Michele Elliott, on her award winning book, Bullies, Cyberbullies and Frenemies

AUTHOR’S NAME: Michele Elliott

TITLE OF AWARD WINNING BOOK: Bullies, Cyberbullies and Frenemies


WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING? I was working with children who had been bullied and/or abused. It made me angry because children did not deserve to be bullied and often hurt themselves because of it. I wanted to stop that happening so I started writing books for children, teens, parents and teachers.

WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND YOUR AWARD WINNING TITLE? I wanted readers to know immediately and clearly what it (bullying) was about.

WHAT OTHER BOOKS HAVE YOU PUBLISHED? My most recent books are for teachers:

The Essential Guide to Tackling Bullying published by Longman and Stop Bullying Pocketbook published by Teachers’ Pocketbooks. The complete list would be too long to put here - I have had 27 books published, some of which have been translated into 16 languages. Readers can find them either on Amazon or

DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? I have been writing a true story of 4 sisters for adults... I am not sure when it will be finished. I have written the first 25,000 words three times so I have 75,000 words and the beginnings of three books! --I hope to get it right some day.

TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I am a mother, teacher, psychologist and dog lover. My husband and I met in High School and have been married a long time. I founded a children’s charity called Kidscape to help prevent bullying.

TELL US SOMETHING INTERESTING THAT OUR READERS MIGHT FIND FASCINATING ABOUT YOU: Before I came back to Florida, I had lived in London for over 30 years. About 4 years ago I got a letter from the Prime Minister telling me that Queen Elizabeth was going to award me by appointing me to the Order of the British Empire (OBE). So, you can imagine how exciting that was. My family went with me to Buckingham Palace and I got to meet the Queen, who gave me a great big medal. I had to learn to curtsey and was quite worried I might trip. But I didn’t. The Queen is a tiny lady and very gracious.

WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY DOING IN YOUR SPARE TIME? I like to swim every morning, cycle and play the piano. I also love to swing dance, but am not very good at it.

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE? Casablanca is the best movie ever made. I also love most musicals, especially Show Boat and Carousel, Fiddler on the Roof, Cabaret, Chicago. I guess it would be easier to list musicals I don’t like - I seem to like them all.

WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS AN AUTHOR? When I write I find it hard to engage with normal everyday things like making dinner or going out with friends. I dread starting a book and will get the room completely set up and then keep everyone at bay. I write quite quickly for a subject I know, but find it really hard to write a novel type book - I find that it looks easier than it is.

DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR OTHER ASPIRING AUTHORS? Write about what you know. Keep a sense of humour and give yourself breaks. Walk around the block or go for a bike ride to clear your head. I got some of my best ideas while walking or riding.

CAN YOU OFFER ANY TIPS ON GETTING PUBLISHED? I was lucky and was approached by publishers, but I understand you can publish online and that has been quite a success for many authors

IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? I love it when kids write to me and tell me that one of my books has helped them. What better praise can you have?
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Glimpse, by Steven Whibley, earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Glimpse, by Steven Whibley is a rare gem of a book.  From the first page, the reader is drawn into the world of Dean Curse, a young man who, inexplicably, begins to have horrific visions.  Whibley has created a cast of characters that are both genuine and likable, and he has woven a tale that keeps the reader engaged right up to the cliff-hanger of an ending which taunts the reader with what will surely be a riveting continuation to the Dean Curse Chronicles.

Steven Whibley has made quite a first impression with this, his debut novel.  We look forward to reading more of his work and following the progression of this budding author's writing career.

Glimpse comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Monday, October 14, 2013

Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Winners

SOUTH DAKOTA - Literary Classics announced its 2013 selection of top books for children and young adults today.  Award recipients were selected from entries received from around the globe.  The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children’s and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.

A list of the 2013 recipients follows:

Enchanted Page Book Award  -  Quinn’s Search for the Samurai,  by Gene and Iris Rotberg, illustrated by Bryn Barnard  - Tower View Press
Eloquent Quill Book Award  -  Finding My Place,  by Margo L. Dill - White Mane Kids
Lumen Award  -  Eagle of Delight, by Dr. Jean A. Lukesh - Field Mouse Productions

Best Illustrator  -  Quinn’s Search for the Samurai, illustrated by Bryn Barnard, written by Gene and Iris Rotberg - Tower View Press
Best First Picture Book  -  Bink and Slinky’s Ark Adventure, by Donna Arlynn Frisinger, illustrated by Monica Gutierrez - Standard Publishing
Best First Chapter Book  -  About a Farm, by Marc Kuhn, illustrated by Lynda Mangoro - CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Best First Novel  -  Living with Your Past Selves, by Bill Hiatt - CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Best Series  -  The Bella & Harry Book Series, by Lisa Manzione, illustrated by Kristine Lucco  - Bella and Harry, LLC

Picture Book Preschooler - ​Gold,  Over in the Forest Come and Take a Peek, Marianne Berkes - Dawn Publications
Picture Book Preschooler - Silver, Little Isaac’s Big Adventure, by Tracy Schuldt Helixon, illustrated by Jack Foster - Guardian Angel Publishing
Picture Book Early Reader - Gold, Quinn’s Search for the Samurai, by Gene and Iris Rotberg, illustrated by Bryn Barnard - Tower View Press
Picture Book Early Reader - Silver, Greet the Dawn, written and illustrated by S.D. Nelson - S.D. State Historical Soc. Press
General Early Reader - Gold, Deputy Dorkface. How Mannerland Got its Manners Back, by Kevin D. Janison, illustrated by Eldon Doty  - Stephens Press
General Early Reader - Silver,  Noisy Bug Sing-Along, by John Himmelman - Dawn Publications
Educational Early Reader - Gold, What’s in the Garden, by Marianne Berkes, illustrated by Cris Arbo - Dawn Publications
Educational Early Reader - Silver, Nature’s Patchwork Quilt, by Mary Michè, illustrated by Consie Powell - Dawn Publications
Environmental Issues Early Reader - Gold, Nature Recycles, How About You?  by Michelle Lord - Sylvan Dell Publishing
Environmental Issues - Silver, Fairminded Fran, and the Three Small Black Community Cats, by Linda Elder, illustrated by Kathy Abney - ​Foundation for Critical Thinking

Fantasy Pre-teen  -  Gold, The Wicked Passage, N.M. Singel - Mitchell Morris Publishing
Fantasy Pre-teen - Silver, Loogie the Booger Genie, by N.E. Castle - N.E. Castle
Historical Fiction Pre-teen - Gold, Dear Frank: Babe Ruth, The Red Sox, and the Great War, by W. Nikola-Lisa - Gyroscope Books
Historical Fiction Pre-teen - Silver,  Woody’s World, by E. Renee Heiss - Character Publishing
Historical Nonfiction Pre-teen  -  Gold, Eagle of Delight, by Dr. Jean A. Lukesh - Field Mouse Productions
Historical Nonfiction Pre-teen  -   Silver, Evelyn and the Two Evas, by Evelyn Rothstein - Marble House Editions
Nonfiction Pre-teen  -  Gold, Bullies, Cyberbullies and Frenemies, by Michele Elliott - Wayland
Nonfiction Pre-teen  -  Silver, Katrina and Winter, Partners in Courage, by Nancy Stewart - Guardian Angel Publishing

Fantasy Fiction Young Adult  -  Gold, Owlet, by Emma Michaels - Tribute Books
Fantasy Fiction Young Adult - Silver, Living with Your Past Selves, by Bill Hiatt - CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Fiction Young Adult   -  Gold, The Trial of Misella Cross, by Catherine Witek - Sky Parlor Press
Fiction Young Adult - Silver, Life on Hold, by Beverly Stowe McClure - 4 RV Publishing LLC
Nonfiction Young Adult   -   Gold, Have Fun & Get It Done, by Jenée Dana - My Focus Book, LLC
Nonfiction Young Adult  -  Silver, The Grief Recovery Kit, by Tanya Kilgore - Aepisaurus Publishing, LLC
Faith Based Young Adult  -  Gold, The School of Ministry: The Windgate, by Braxton A Cosby - Keith Publications
Faith Based Young Adult  -  Silver, Love the Wounded, by Lynn Dove - Word Alive Press

Historical Non-Fiction  -  Gold, Windjamming to China, by Gustave Tjgaard - Strategic Book Group
Inspirational / Motivational   -  Gold, The Modern Man, Cristiane Serruya - CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Faith Based   -  Gold, Bink and Slinky’s Ark Adventure, by Donna Arlynn Frisinger, illustrated by Monica Gutierrez - Standard Publishing
Environmental Issues  -  Gold, Arlene the Rebel Queen, by Carol Liu, with Marybeth Caldarone - Emerald Book Company
Health and Well Being  -  Gold, Jack Teaches his Friends..., by Sally Berenzweig MEd, MA & Cherie Benjoseph LCSW, illustrated by Lilah Cohen - Kidsafe Foundation
Male Audience  -  Gold, Dear Frank, Babe Ruth, the Red Sox and the Great War, by W. Nikola-Lisa - Gyroscope Books
Female Audience  - Gold, Molly the Mermaid, written and illustrated by Cari Lyn - Lapis Moon Publishing

Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.

The Literary Classics judging committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.   To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Author Spotlight - Marianne Berkes

Author, Marianne Berkes

​Animalogy, Animal Analogies

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WRITING? 20 years, professionally

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING? As a child, I loved to write plays and perform them with my friends every summer. I especially liked rhythm and rhyme and often would write poems for special occasions. My parents always encouraged me. Music, theater and reading have been a constant in my life. I’ve always had a good imagination and lots of ideas for stories. I like making music with words, but it wasn’t until I moved to Florida that I became an aspiring children’s author. I read many children’s books in the ten years working as a children’s librarian that I decided I could write one too. I eventually published my first book in 2000 called “Marsh Music” about frogs performing a concert in a marsh.

I love to write about animals and nature, combining fact with fiction. In “Animalogy” though, I decided to try something a little different. As a former early childhood educator in New York, I wanted to make learning about analogies fun! “Animalogy” is a rather simple book, but can lead to lots of discussion as kids compare and contrast different animals. And of course Cathy Morrison’s vibrant animal images bring my words to life.

No, but it’s quite different from my others, which have an interactive story, followed by a glossary so the reader can learn more about what he/she has just read about. I love doing research and all my books are vetted by experts in their fields, from frogs, birds, seashells,
Planets, to name a few, so everything is accurate.

Marsh Music (2000)
Seashells by the Seashore (2002)
Marsh Morning (2003)
Over in the Ocean, in a Coral Reef (2004)
Over in the Jungle, a Rainforest Rhyme (2006)
Going Around the Sun: Some Planetary Fun (2008)
Over in the Arctic, Where the Cold Winds Blow (2008)
Going Home, the Mystery of Animal Migration (2010)
Over in Australia, Amazing Animals Down Under (2011)
Animalogy, Animal Analogies (2011)
Over in the Forest: Come and Take a Peek (2012)
The Tree that Bear Climbed (2012)

My fourteenth book, Anybody Home? will be released by Sylvan Dell Publishing in August 2013. In this book, a ‘possum is looking for a new home to raise her expected babies. Along the way, she meets a wide variety of forest animals and learns about the homes they build and live in.
Also in fall 2013, another of my habitat books, Over in a River, Flowing Out to the Sea, will be released by Dawn Publications.
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’ve been a teacher, a children’s theater director and a children’s librarian. Now as a children’s author I visit schools and libraries sharing my publishing adventures. I hope I inspire students to write their own stories sharing their ideas, thoughts and feelings, as they inspire me.
I have a great love of nature and get outdoors as often as I can. Living in Florida now, I enjoy walking the beach and have a huge seashell collection. I love the ocean; there is peace and serenity as I look out on the water. In our hectic and busy lives today, I hope kids can still feel that too and get outdoors more.

When I laugh about something really funny, tears start streaming down my face and I look like I’m crying, but I’m really very happy.

Reading, going to a movie or theater, enjoying a nice meal
at a fine restaurant, walking the beach, swimming, traveling and
meeting people of all ages—that includes kids, of course!

I love Broadway shows. It’s hard to decide whether my favorite is Mama Mia, Phantom of the Opera or Les Miserables.

Animalogy also has received a Teacher’s Choice Award and an
IPPY Award (Independent Publishers’ Award)

There are so many of us and in today’s world it’s harder than ever to get published, unless you are already a well-known children’s author. But even well-known authors still deal with rejection sometimes, which we all have to accept. You might think a manuscript is really good, but come to find out something like it has already been published or it’s not quite right for that particular press and you’ve already waited a year.

These days, many publishers do not accept unsolicited manuscripts, so that’s another challenge-- to get your manuscript in the hands of a publisher you think might like your book.

Hemingway said that an author is a writer that never quit, so keep keeping on. Don’t give up. While it’s more difficult these days to get published, there are still many opportunities. You just have to try harder and before you submit something, do your homework. Make sure you submit to a press that is right for the genre you’ve written in.

CAN YOU OFFER ANY TIPS ON GETTING PUBLISHED? Join SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators), go to critique meetings and writers’ conferences. Network as much as you can. You never know who will be there.

Thanks so much for this honor and for the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings. To learn more about me and my books, please go to:

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Eagle of Delight Earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

There is a portrait in the White House of a young Otoe Indian girl.  The girl, who was called Eagle of Delight, journeyed to Washington D.C. with her husband and other Plains Indian Chiefs to discuss peaceful relations with military leaders in 1821.  While few people are familiar with the story of Eagle of Delight, this young lady made quite an impression during her brief time in Washington D.C.

Author Jean A. Lukesh has crafted a fascinating work of non-fiction in which she has skillfully compiled fact and conjecture to piece together a glimpse into the life of a teenage Plains Indian girl who became "the Darling of Washington D.C. Society" in the early 1800s.

Eagle of Delight is a quick read which is as fascinating as it is informative.  Eagle of Delight comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Quinn's Search for the Samurai, by Gene and Iris Rotberg, Earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

 Quinn's Search for the Samurai, by Gene & Iris Rotberg, explores the wonder of a child through the eyes of a young boy.  -Quinn loves to hear stories of castles and knights and other such things from medieval times.  But then he wonders, perhaps there are other men covered in armor from head to toe who still walk the earth today just like the knights from long ago.  So he decides to go to Japan in search of a samurai warrior. 

Quinn discovers all sorts of fascinating  places and people in his search for the samurai.  While on his journey he sees a noodle shop, a temple garden and thousands of Japanese kites flying high up in the sky.  But will his quest for adventure lead him to a find a samurai?

Quinn's Search for the Samurai  beautifully captures the curiosity and wonder of a young child.  Enchanting and expressive illustrations are perfectly paired with this book which is sure to delight young readers.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Bella Saves the Beach by Nancy Stewart earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Bella and Britt, best friends, share a love for the beach where they enjoy  splashing in the surf and building sand castles.  But when they begin to notice trash on their favorite beach they become concerned; not only for the pristine beauty of the beach, but for the well-being of the wildlife with whom they share the beach.  The girls agree something must be done, but since Britt is leaving for vacation, that leaves Bella to take on the task by herself.  But that doesn't stop her.  Armed with the determination to save their beach, she succeeds in raising awareness while helping to restore the beach to a clean and safe place that can be enjoyed by people and animals.

Bella Saves the Beach, by Nancy Stewart, teaches kids to care for their environment while arming them with a can-do attitude.  This book comes highly recommended and earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Friday, October 11, 2013

Katrina and Winter, Partners in Courage, Earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Katrina and Winter, Partners in Courage is the heartwarming true story of a young girl who found inspiration in the most unlikely place.  -Katrina, who was born with a birth defect, was able to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg.  But she was extremely self conscious about her "helper leg" which she did her best to hide from people.  One day, while on a family vacation, Katrina visited a marine aquarium in Florida.  Katrina was amazed to see Winter, a dolphin with a tail that had been maimed in a crab trap incident.  When Katrina learned that Winter was able to swim with the assistance of a prosthetic similar to her own she felt a sudden connection to the dolphin.  

Through the strong connection Katrina found, she became inspired.  With a new outlook on life she no longer felt the need to hide behind her limitations.  Instead, she became an inspiration to others in her unwavering determination to never letting her disability hold her back.

Katrina and Winter, Partners in Courage is sure to inspire young readers to overcome limitations and reach for their dreams.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Windjamming to China earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Imagine visiting with your grandfather as he shares the most incredible tales of voyaging at sea aboard the Vigilant, a wind-driven vessel.  Well you need not imagine.  You can live vicariously through Gustav Tjgaard as he shares his memoirs of a time long since forgotten by most in Windjamming to China.  As one reads Tjgaard's gripping memoir it seems you can nearly hear his audible voice as it resonates from the pages of this gripping  autobiographical novel.   His memories of sailing the North Pacific in the 1930s are interspersed with commentary on various details within the story as they emerge within a beautifully penned narrative.  Drifting from regaling his personal experiences as a young sailor, to knot tying, to his thoughts on chess and women and then back again, the author skillfully weaves a tale that is both fascinating and enlightening.  To read Windjamming to China is to catch a glimpse into the mind of a man whose thoughts are rich in memories, steeped in history and intertwined with wisdom and experience.

Windjamming to China comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

The School of Ministry by Braxton A. Cosby earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Ziv is a genuinely likeable young man who has struggled his whole life to find a sense of belonging.  Having been tossed in and out of foster homes following the murder of his parents at the tender age of six, he has known his share of insecurities.  When Ziv shows up at his best friend Stephanie's house with flowers, determined to profess his love for her, he discovers her home has been vandalized and that she is missing.  Then just as quickly, he is kidnapped by members of a secret society who promise to help him find Stephanie on one condition; he must join them in fighting the forces of evil which plague the world. 

This action-packed supernatural thriller is a highly engaging read.  With many plot twists and creative spins, readers will be intrigued and entertained by this compelling novel.  

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

2013 International Book Awards for Children and Young Adults - Finalists Announced

Literary Classics announced its 2013 selection of top book finalists for children and young adults today.  The list includes finalists from entries received all over the world.  The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children's and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.

A list of the 2013 award finalists follows:

Donna Arlynn Frisinger - Bink and Slinky's Ark Adventure
Sally Berenzweig & Cherie Benjoseph - Jack Teaches his Friends to be KidSafe!
Marianne Berkes - Over in the Forest
Marianne Berkes - What's in the Garden?
N. E. Castle - Loogie the Booger Genie

Braxton A. Cosby - School of Ministry
Jenèe Dana - Have Fun & Get it Done
Margo L. Dill - Finding My Place
Lynn Dove - Love the Wounded
Linda Elder - Fairminded Fran
Michele Elliott - Bullies, Cyberbullies and Frenemies
Renee Heiss - Woody's World
Bill Hiatt - Living with Your Past Selves
John Himmelman - Noisy Bug Sing-Along
Kevin D. Janison - Deputy Dorkface
Tanya Kilgore - The Grief Recovery Kit
Marc Kuhn - About a Farm

Carol Liu - Arlene, the Rebel Queen
Michelle Lord - Nature Recycles, How About You?
Dr. Jean A. Lukesh - Eagle of Delight
Cari Lyn - Molly the Mermaid
Lisa Manzione - The Bella & Harry Series

Emma Michaels - Owlet
Mary Michè - Nature's Patchwork Quilt
S.D. Nelson - Greet the Dawn the Lakota Way
W. Nikola-Lisa - Dear Frank
Gene & Iris Rotberg - Quinn's Search for the Samurai
Evelyn Rothstein - Evelyn and the Two Evas
Tracy Schuldt Helixon - Little Isaac's Big Adventure 

Cristiane Serruya - The Modern Man
N. M. Singel - The Wicked Passage
Nancy Stewart - Katrina and Winter
Beverly Stowe McClure - Life on Hold

Gustav Tjgaard - Windjamming to China 

Catherine Witek - The Trial of Misella Cross

All final award levels and categories will be announced October 15, 2013. 

Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic children's literature which appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.  Judging is based upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics' highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through content which possesses the key elements found in well-crafted literature.

The Literary Classics judging committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.   To learn more about Literary Classics, visit their website at
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Love the Wounded, by Lynn Dove, earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Love the Wounded by Lynn Dove is the third book in the Wounded Trilogy, but the book is one that can easily be read as a stand-alone novel.  Love the Wounded is a powerful story of love, life and forgiveness in the lives of teens whose worlds are intertwined in ways they could never have imagined. 

Full of honest and raw emotions, Love the Wounded is a book which touches on a number of sensitive teen issues.  -- Author Lynn Dove has done a tremendous job bringing her characters to life as they work through struggles, heartache and healing.  As Christian fiction goes, this book has much to offer to young adults.

Love the Wounded comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval. 

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Author Spotlight - Nicole Weaver

AUTHOR’S NAME: Nicole Weaver

TITLE OF AWARD WINNING BOOK: My Sister is My Best Friend: A Trilingual Story, in English, French, and Spanish


I have been writing for six years.


My two older children attended college out of state and I started writing as a therapeutic measure to keep my depression at bay.


I got inspired to write My Sister is My Best Friend after I met my half sister for the first time in 2008. We immediately became best friends. My imagination took off. I began thinking about what it would have been like if I had grown up with her. I came up with a very positive story that portrays twin sisters who get along and enjoy each other’s company instead of being yet another typical story about sibling rivalry. 


No, I have three other published books and one currently under contract.


My Birthday is September Eleven and Other Short Stories

Marie and her Friend the Sea Turtle/ Maria y su amiga la Tortuga/ Marie et son amie la Tortue

Beauty and Other Traps

 I have written a third trilingual book titled My Brother is My Best Friend, which is currently under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing. I do not know the date of publication. I am also working on a story about a boy girl twin.

I am a polyglot. I speak four languages fluently, Creole, English, French, and Spanish.
I am a high school French and Spanish teacher. I love to travel.

I am a three times scholarship recipient. I got a full-ride to attend college and a second scholarship to study abroad from Syracuse University in Strasbourg, France. I lived with a French family. The final scholarship was from the Alliance Française of Houston. I received the scholarship because my students did extremely well in a language competition (The Texas French symposium) I lived on campus in Saint Nazaire , France. The six week teacher program afforded me a tremendous opportunity to meet 299 foreign language teachers from all over the world. This experience fueled me with the passion to start taking my students abroad. I wanted my students to experience the culture and language the same way I did while studying abroad.

I love to write and read books. I also enjoy writing book reviews and interviewing other authors.

The Cosby Show/The Green Mile


The Preditors & Editors Poll 2011

2012 Preferred Choice Award

2012 Creative Child Awards Program

I am not a native speaker of English, so I have to be very careful on using proper grammar and punctuation. I am a daydreamer by nature, so I can come up with manuscript ideas very easily. It is one thing to have a great idea and it is another thing to communicate well in written form.

Read, read, and read in the genre you want to be published in. Take classes. Join a professional organization for writers. Finally, believe in yourself and never give up! Create a platform, network and promote yourself as a professional.

Research the publisher before you submit your manuscript. Read books published by that publisher to see if you meet their criteria. Get your manuscript professionally edited. Be sure to follow the instructions stipulated by the publisher before you submit your manuscript. Not following instructions will send your manuscript straight to the trash pile.

I encourage all of you with young children to introduce them to a foreign language as early as possible. I currently have three exchange students in my class. Two students are from Germany and one from Zurich. They all speak at least four languages because in Europe students start learning a foreign language no later than 3rd grade. The study of a foreign language heightens a child’s creativity, increases problem-solving skills and self-discipline.

Kind regards,

Nicole Weaver

Nicole Weaver -Award-winning Trilingual Author

My Sister Is My Best Friend Blog

~ November 2011~ Guardian Angel Publishing,Inc

~ 2012 Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice Award

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Monday, July 22, 2013

Ruth the Sleuth has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

Ruth The Sleuth is the story of Ruth, a little girl who is so accustomed to foraging through the clutter in her room that she has become quite adept at finding things in the midst of her messiness.  When she loses her mother's oven mitt, she is given a deadline.  --By the time the chocolate chip cookies in the oven are done baking, the oven mitt must be returned.  No problem for Ruth because, as she says, she is "Ruth the Sleuth" and can find anything.

As Ruth searches for the oven mitt, she discovers other treasures that had been lost in the chaos of her room.  As the minutes tick away, it becomes clear to Ruth that being organized might have its advantages.  As her desire to play outside with her friend becomes more and more acute, she resolves to keep her room more tidy.

With a post script offering creative ideas to help encourage kids to be tidy, along with a recipe for chocolate chip cookies, this book has lots to offer for children, parents and educators.

Written by retired school-teacher, Carol Gordon Ekster, Ruth the Sleuth is an excellent book for school libraries, for reading in classroom settings, and for home reading shelves.

Ruth the Sleuth has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Monday, July 15, 2013

Noisy Bug Sing-Along earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Ever notice the lovely sounds made by Crickets, Cicadas and other insects?  Well author John Himmelman has written an engaging book for children which teaches youngsters about the busy world of insects and the melodious sounds made by our friends, the bugs.  Fabulous illustrations and graphics, paired with a fun and interesting topic, make the Noisy Bug Sing-Along book a terrific read for youngsters.

An excellent selection for classrooms, libraries and home bookshelves, the Noisy Bug Sing-Along book is likely to become a favorite for young readers.  Complete with sound-wave illustrations and interesting insect factoids, this book is an excellent resource for educating children in a way that is sure to keep them engaged and entertained.

Noisy Bug Sing-Along, by John Himmelman, earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Do you judge a book by the cover? - Opinion Poll Reveals Determining Factors for how people make book selections

From a publishing standpoint, those in the industry are always asking the question... "Exactly how do people go about making a book selection?"   Most responses bear a common thread and many tend to include the following key topics:

Cover -  (sure, they say don't judge a book by the cover, yet we all seem to do this).
Blurb - the text on the back cover that offers a teaser stating what the book is about.
Reviews - recommendations by sources whose opinions can be trusted.
Awards - third party endorsements stating a book is worthy of note.

While at the Printer's Row Lit Fest in Chicago, we decided to perform our own research and we think you'll be intrigued by the results.

We polled over 200 people (including librarians, teachers and parents) and asked them to state, in order of priority, the most important factors they consider when selecting a book.  --And here's what we found.


1) Awards
2) Reviews
3) Cover
4) Blurb

Additionally, we asked consumers for their thoughts on the following:

How likely are you to choose a book bearing an award seal on the cover over a non-award winning book?
Awards  - 87% of the time, consumers will choose an award winning book over a non-award winning book.

Would you be more inclined to purchase a book bearing a favorable review printed on the book?
Reviews - 97% of people say that a favorable review printed on the front, back or inside of the book does affect their decision to buy.

Do you judge a book by the cover?
Cover - When asked their views on cover design, 73% admitted they take the book's appearance into consideration when buying a book.  - When asked if they would still purchase a book even if they didn't particularly like the cover, 19% admitted they might not.  When asked if awards and favorable reviews might change their mind about purchasing a book with a cover they did not particularly like,  82% stated they might be inclined to change their mind and purchase the book despite the cover if the book had won an award, or had a favorable review. 

Does the book's introduction statement impact your decision to buy?
Blurb - A startling 21% of people responding to our poll admitted to never reading the book's blurb.  We were surprised to learn how many respondents actually selected a book entirely based upon appearance along with the recommendations of others through awards and reviews.   

How do these responses compare with your own method of selecting a book?  - We'd love to hear your thoughts. 

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards