Literary Classics is an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in literature. Through our AWARDS, BOOK REVIEWS, and SEAL OF APPROVAL PROGRAM, we help you sort through the many books in circulation today. It is our goal to help you select the finest books available. Additionally, our programs offer opportunities for publishers, authors and illustrators to receive recognition for providing excellence in literature.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Author Barbara Bockman, on her Award Winning Title - Fantastic Flight
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WRITING? I began taking courses in children's writing over twenty years ago. It took me a few years to get up the courage to start submitting [my work to publishers].
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING? I was inspired to write by my love of reading and also by my love of the English language. In school, I was one of the few students who enjoyed parsing sentences and diagramming them. From Dick and Jane onward, I became an avid reader. One of my greatest joys in life is reading a well-written passage. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Library Science (my first was in English), I realized as much as I love physical books and handling them, I love the stories even more.
WHAT INSPIRED YOUR AWARD WINNING TITLE, Fantastic Flight ? Fantastic Flight was inspired by an incident involving my husband and our granddaughter. He was kidding around with her and pretended her balloon was carrying him away. They were having such fun; and it became the germ for my story.
My first published book is a middle grade e-novel, Wounds, published by MuseItUp Publishing.
DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? My work in progress is another middle grade novel, with the working title of RANIL AND THE BABY ELEPHANT, set in Sri Lanka. I can’t say when it will be available; it’s requiring a lot of research. I also have three other books under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing.
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I grew up in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and I still love to visit there from my home in Florida. I married an Army Officer and we lived in various places in the US, Europe, and Japan. I have four children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. After my husband retired from the Army and we moved to Florida, I obtained my Masters Degree in English and taught at Pensacola Junior College. I love to travel with my grandchildren. I took four of them to Alaska, three of them to Europe, two others to the UK and Ireland. When my granddaughter was an undergraduate, I went with her and her class to China one year and to Italy and Greece the next year. My head is still spinning.
WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY DOING IN YOUR SPARE TIME? My favorite hobby is raising butterflies. I grow the flowers that attract the females. The caterpillars eat those plants, so I supply other nectar flowers for the adult butterflies. The green chrysalis of the monarch, with its flecks of gold, is one of the most beautiful sights in nature. The butterflies most common in this part of Florida are monarchs, gulf fritillaries, zebra longwings, and various swallowtails.
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SHOW? I like both Masterpiece Classics and Masterpiece Mystery and also dramas that do not involve forensics, such as White Collar. I suppose I’m a bit squeamish.
WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS AN AUTHOR? My biggest challenge is procrastination. With so many projects to choose from, sometimes it’s hard to decide which to work on, so I put it off.
DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR OTHER ASPIRING AUTHORS? My advice to other aspiring authors is to write the kind of books you like to read, learn the craft, get to know your genre, join a critique group, and have faith in yourself.
CAN YOU OFFER ANY TIPS ON GETTING PUBLISHED? An author should study the market and make sure she is submitting her finest work to the right publishers.
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? I feel that writing for children is a moral responsibility [for me]. My hope is that all of my writing will be uplifting to my readers.
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
Monday, October 15, 2012
Author Richie Frieman on his award winning book, Terple Always Dream Bigger
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WRITING? Children’s books, 5 years. Writing in general for 10.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING? I’ve always loved children’s books and always promised myself one day I’d not only write but illustrate my own original book. Finally, the concept and passion met at the same point and I did it.
WHAT WAS THE INSPIRATION BEHIND Terple - Always Dream Bigger? I’m a father of two and take my role as a parent incredibly seriously, especially when it comes to reminding kids to stay true to the dreams and never give up. I never settle for making my dreams come true, so it’s one thing to just dream, another to just dream BIG but I want my kids to aspire to always dream BIGGER!
IS THIS YOUR FIRST BOOK? [This is] My second children’s picture book. My first was called, Terple - The Sky Is Just The Start.
DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? I’m also a manners and etiquette writer known as Modern Manners Guy. My new book Quick and Dirty Tips for Life After College (Macmillan Publishing) is now available in eBook on iTunes, Kindle and Nook!
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m 33 years old, a columnist, writer, entrepreneur, children’s clothing line owner and designer (Charm City Babies) and a former professional wrestler! Bet you weren’t expecting that. But it’s true.
TELL US SOMETHING INTERESTING THAT OUR READERS MIGHT FIND FASCINATING ABOUT YOU: Well, the fact that I was a professional wrestler, yes, like the kind of TV (my ring name was Buster Maccabi) for 8 and a half years and now writing/illustrating children’s books is pretty different I think.
WHAT DO YOU MOST ENJOY DOING IN YOUR SPARE TIME? My family comes first, so every free minute is devoted to my wife Jamie, daughter Maddy (4 years old) and newborn son, Cole (4 months old).
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW/MOVIE? My favorite movie of all time is “Goonies”. I have it memorized. And as for TV, I love “Walking Dead”, “Hell on Wheels”, “Newsroom”, “Daily Show”, and “Parenthood”.
HAS YOUR BOOK RECEIVED ANY OTHER AWARDS? “Terple - Always Dream Bigger” won the 2012 Gelett Burgess Award for best Poetry and Rhyming Children’s Book.
WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS AN AUTHOR? Making sure you are able to get your book out there is the hardest part. I want children and parents to enjoy my work and [I] work hard every day to make more people aware of Terple.
DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR OTHER ASPIRING AUTHORS? Never stop. Never, ever, ever stop writing and trying. Nothing worth anything ever happens over night. This is a tough job to have but it’s a job of passion, so always keep trying.
CAN YOU OFFER ANY TIPS ON GETTING PUBLISHED? Make yourself visible. Join writing groups, network, and just do what you can to reach out to people.
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH OUR READERS? I hope to bring attention to children’s books, especially picture books. I want people to be aware of the importance of childhood literacy and early education. Also, always feel free to reach out to me! Tweet me @RichieFrieman
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
The 2012 Literary Classics Children's Book Awards have been announced
Literary Classics Announces Youth Media Top Book Winners
SOUTH DAKOTA - Literary Classics announced its 2012 selection of top books for children and young adults today. Award recipients were selected from entries received throughout the world. The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children's and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.
A list of the 2012 recipients follows:
Best First Picture Book, PreSchool, A Box Story by Kenneth
Kit Lamug
Best First Picture Book, Early Reader, Terple Always Dream Bigger
by Richie Frieman
Best Illustrator, Bella & Harry, Let's Visit Athens, Illustrated
by Kristine Lucco
Best Series, The Bella & Harry Book Series by
Lisa Manzione
Best First Chapter Book, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the
Dimensional Holes by PHC Marchesi
Gold - Picture Book, Preschooler, Fantastic Flight by Barbara Bockman
Silver - Picture Book, Preschooler, Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep
by Kathy Stemke
Gold - Picture Book, Early Reader, Bella & Harry Let's Visit London by Lisa
Manzione, Illustrated by Kristine Lucco
Silver - Picture Book, Early Reader, Bella & Harry Let's Visit Cairo by Lisa
Manzione, Illustrated by Kristine Lucco
Gold - Educational, Early Reader, The Great Divide, Suzanne
Silver - Educational, Early Reader, Animal Animalogies by Marianne
Gold - Environmental Issues, Early Reader, Sea
Turtle Summer by Nancy Stewart
Silver - Environmental Issues, Early Reader, One Pelican
at a Time by Nancy Stewart
Gold - Non Fiction Preteen, Clara's Great War by Evelyn
Gold - General Preteen, the Casting by Joyce Shor Johnson
Silver - General Preteen, Return to Finkleton by KC
Gold - Fiction Preteen, the Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt
by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Silver - Fiction Preteen, Walking Through Walls by Karen
Gold - Fantasy Preteen, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the
Dimensional Holes by PHC Marchesi
Silver - Fantasy Preteen, Shield Maiden by Richard
Gold - Science Fiction Preteen, Shelby & Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional
Holes by PHC Marchesi
Silver - Science Fiction - Preteen, The Crystal Ship by CJ
Gold - Mystery Preteen, the Stone Child by Dan Poblocki
Gold - General Young Adult, Runaway Twins by Pete
Silver - General Young Adult, Young, Funny & Unbalanced
by David Smithyman
Gold - Fiction Young Adult, Caves, Cannons & Crinolines
by Beverly Stowe McClure
Silver - Fiction Young Adult, Young Knights of the Round Table The
King's Ransom by Cheryl Carpinello
Gold - Non-Fiction Young Adult, Black & White by Larry
Dane Brimner
Gold - Fantasy Fiction Young Adult, Griffin Rising by Darby Karchut
Silver - Fantasy Fiction Young Adult, Drawn by Marie Lamba
Gold - Science Fiction Young Adult, the Limit by Kristen
Silver - Science Fiction Young Adult, the Orphan Ship by Sterling
R. Walker
Gold - Mystery Young Adult, Stalked by Kristiana
Cultural Issues, Clara's Great War by Evelyn
Holiday, Santa
& The Little Teddy Bear by Peter John Lucking
Self Esteem, Beautiful Wild Rose Girl by B.
Female Audience, My Sister is my Best Friend by Nicole
Mature Issues, In Memory of Dad by Maranda Russell
Literary Classics, an organization
dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role
to help promote classic literature which appeals to youth, while educating and
encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future
generations. Judging is based upon the
criteria set forth by Literary Classics' highly selective awards committee
which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through
content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature.
The Literary Classics judging
committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing,
design, illustration, and book reviewing. To learn more about Literary Classics, visit
their website at www.literaryclassicsawards.com.
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Author Spotlight, Kristiana Gregory
AUTHOR'S NAME: Kristiana Gregory
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WRITING?: My first historical novel, Jenny of the Tetons,
was published in 1989 by Harcourt, but before that I was a book
reviewer and columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and a newspaper
INSPIRED YOU TO BEGIN WRITING?: At age ten I loved to make up whoppers,
but my parents helped me channel that imagination into story-telling.
My first rejection was at age eleven from Whitman Publishing Company for
my poem, "Valentine's Day," which had been pencilled on notebook paper
during math class. Now that I look back on it, hoping to get published
was pretty brave for a kid! I had no idea it was to be the first of many
hundreds of rejections.
When I learned that my Danish great-grandfather spent much of
his life in an insane asylum in Wisconsin, my mind raced. How did this
young man hoping for a new beginning in America end up "criminally
insane?" What was he like when he stepped off the ship from Copenhagen
and how did he get by the strict medical examiners on Ellis Island?
Yes, thirty-plus titles are listed here
finishing #7 of the Cabin Creek Mysteries series, for readers ages
7-10. The Phantom of Hidden Horse Ranch will be available early 2013.
Details will be on my Amazon author site.
US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I grew up in Manhattan Beach, California
two blocks from the ocean but have lived in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah,
and now Idaho, so you could say I'm a Western girl. My husband I have
been married 31 years and we have two adult sons, two golden retrievers,
and a ton of books! Every morning I read the Bible in French. My
website with more info is: www.kgregorybooks.com
When I was a ski bum in Mammoth Lakes, California, early 1970s, I was an
extra in the movie, "The Other Side of the Mountain," which was being
filmed in part on the sunny ski slopes there. My girlfriend and I were
eating dinner in a restaurant bragging to a nice man about how we were
in the movie and blablablabla. He bought us some drinks and listened to
our boasts. The next morning when she and I showed up on the set, we saw
this gentleman talking to the film crew. He was the star, Beau Bridges!
and friends, walking our big furry dogs, reading, daydreaming. I'm a
swimmer, too.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW OR MOVIE?: Favorite movies: "Amadeus," "Dave." TV series: "West Wing," "Doc Martin."
WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS AN AUTHOR?: Loneliness and discouragement. Now and then I muse about life as an author here.
unique story that only s/he can tell. If it's in your heart, write it
down and don't give up.
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
Monday, October 1, 2012
Literary Classics announces youth media award winners
Literary Classics announced its 2012 selection of top book finalists for children and young adults today. The list includes finalists from entries received all over the world.
The Literary Classics selection committee is proud to recognize the following titles in children's and young adult literature which exemplify the criteria set forth by the Literary Classics Awards committee.
A list of the 2012 award finalists follows:
Animalogy: Animalogy Analogies, Marianne Berkes
Fantastic Flight, Barbara Bockman
Black & White, Larry Dane Brimner
The King's Ransom, Cheryl Carpinello
Walking Through Walls, Karen Cioffi
Shield Maiden, Richard Denning
Terple Always Dream Bigger, Richie Frieman
Stalked, Kristiana Gregory
Return to Finkleton, KC Hilton
The Casting, Joyce Shor Johnson
Rising, Darby Karchut
The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt, Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Drawn, Marie Lamba
A Box Story, Kenneth Kit Lamug
The Limit, Kristen Landon
Santa & The Little Teddy Bear, Peter John Lucking
Beautiful Wild Rose Girl, B. Magnolia
Bella & Harry Let's Visit Athens!
Lisa Manzione
Bella & Harry Let's Visit Cairo!
Lisa Manzione
Bella & Harry Let's Visit London!
Lisa Manzione
& Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes, PHC Marchesi
Caves, Cannons and Crinolines, Beverly Stowe McClure
Runaway Twins, Pete Palamountain
The Stone Child, Dan Poblocki
Clara's Great War, Evelyn Rothstein
In Memory of Dad, Maranda Russell
Young Funny and Unbalanced, David Smithyman
Sh Sh Sh Let the Baby Sleep, Kathy Stemke
The Crystal Ship, CJ Carter-Stephenson
The Great Divide, Suzanne Slade
One Pelican at a Time, Nancy Stewart
Sea Turtle Summer, Nancy Stewart
The Orphan Ship, Sterling R. Walker
My Sister is my Best Friend, by Nicole Weaver
My Sister is my Best Friend, by Nicole Weaver
All final award levels and categories will be announced
October 15, 2012.
Literary Classics, an organization
dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role
to help promote classic children's literature which appeals to youth, while
educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of
future generations. Judging is based
upon the criteria set forth by Literary Classics' highly selective awards committee
which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning,
through content which possesses the key elements found in well-crafted
The Literary Classics judging
committee consists of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing,
design, illustration, and book reviewing. To learn more about Literary Classics, visit
their website at www.literaryclassicsawards.com.
Book Reviews & Awards
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