Literary Classics is an organization dedicated to promoting excellence in literature. Through our AWARDS, BOOK REVIEWS, and SEAL OF APPROVAL PROGRAM, we help you sort through the many books in circulation today. It is our goal to help you select the finest books available. Additionally, our programs offer opportunities for publishers, authors and illustrators to receive recognition for providing excellence in literature.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Woody's World earns the Literary Classics Seal of Approval
Woody is a fun-loving twelve year old boy who can usually be found stirring up trouble with his best friend, Henry. Each time Woody is caught doing something he shouldn't he receives a healthy lecture from his father on the topic of respect.
When Woody's father's business is forced to shut down as a result of the stock market crash of 1929, his world is quickly turned upside down. As a boy who once lived quite comfortably, he soon learns the value of money as his father leaves town to find work, leaving him in charge to help put food on the table. As the boy learns to look beyond himself and put the needs of others first, he comes to learn about honor, respect and true friendship.
Author E. Renee Heiss has created a timeless classic in this heartwarming tale which is historically significant and a genuinely terrific read. With engaging characters and exciting outcomes, Woody's World is sure to enthrall young readers with each turn of the page.
Woody's World comes highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
Friday, February 8, 2013
Things You Should Know Before You Self-Publish
It's happening . . . it's really happening. You've finished your first book and you're just itching to get it in print and out in the hands of your future fans. But first, there are some things you should know about publishing. Creating your first book can be a bit like building your first house. Once you get one under your belt, you'll have a much better idea of how the process works for subsequent projects. The following are pointers from our staff and volunteers who have all learned through trial and error. Learn from their mistakes and save yourself some headache. --Many of the following principles apply whether you go the traditional publishing route or self-publish. Just remember . . . you took the time to write your masterpiece, now make sure you take all the necessary steps to ensure the best final product possible.
1) We know you're excited, but don't rush the process.
You'd be amazed at how many books are published with typos and
grammatical errors. Save yourself the agony and make sure it's done
right the first time.
2) Back to point #1, many reviewers will not review your book after
it's been published (that is not the case with Literary Classics, but
it's worth noting). Make sure you know about deadlines for all the book
awards you wish to enter as well as reviewers you would like to have
review your book, etc. before you schedule a release date. In some
instances, you may be required to submit your book for an award prior to
your publish date. --Then, allowing time for all your award entries
and review submissions, work backwards to schedule a timeline.
Critique first, then edit. --In that order. Have a professional
critique your work. If you can't afford a professional critique,
consider joining a writer's guild and find someone who is willing to
swap critiques with you. A critique will help you find 'disconnects'
--those literary moments when what is glaringly obvious to the author
doesn't quite translate onto paper. An editor might catch some of
these, but frankly, that is not their job. And if you have too many
disconnects, you may distract your editor from finding those evil little
typos that he/she was hired to find to begin with.
Get a professional edit. --We can't stress this enough. And make sure
you check references. Is your editor someone you can trust to be
completely thorough and accurate? Even the best editors can miss
errors, but sadly, there are some "editors" out there who will do an
inferior job and still charge you a substantial fee (sometimes less than
credible publishers will even do this to you when they provide an
in-house editor . . . then charge you for the service). So make sure
you've got someone you can depend on.
Don't assume your publisher has your back. Sadly, there are a number
of publishing companies out there that are looking to make a buck off
your enthusiasm to get published. Typically these publishers are
looking for money up front from you, the author. If you've done your
homework, asked around and are still comfortable working with a
fee-based publisher, that's fine. And some times this might be a very
good option for your literary project. But just remember to ask questions up front.
Some of the afore-mentioned publishers will nickel-and-dime you to
death. And sometimes it can be too late to say you don't like the
direction they're going with something before you get slapped with a
healthy bill. So be sure you know exactly what you're getting up front.
Go to a library or bookstore and look for books in your genre. Now
look closely at the details of these books. What sets them apart? Look
for things, like white space, balance, front material, etc. (You might
want to also get a few books from the publisher you are thinking about
working with to compare their work with that of other reputable
publishers). Now when you're talking with your designer, you will be
prepared to tell them how you would like your book to look.
Remember, if you self publish, you're the BOSS. So don't let someone
rush you, or tell you something needs to be done a certain way. Sure
there are formatting issues, etc. that will need to be taken into
consideration. But overall, if you're paying for it, than you should be
in control. Make sure you trust who you are working with before you
let them assume carte blanche with your masterpiece.
If you've been assigned a graphic designer, or illustrator, ask to see
samples of their work. You don't need some college intern with little
or no experience and no sense of balance doing the layout for your
work. If you're paying for it, you may end up paying for additional
editing hours later to get it right, even if they did a lousy job to
begin with.
9) Go with your gut instinct. If it doesn't feel right . . . it probably isn't.
LITERARY CLASSICS Book Reviews & Awards http://literaryclassicsreviews.com
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