Thursday, September 27, 2018

Author Julie Whitley on her Award-Winning Book

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BECOME A WRITER? I have loved books since I could first hold one in my hands. Around the age of nine, I began to think that I could write stories as well and started my first book. Through high school, my favourite English teacher encouraged me to keep on writing. With his words in the back of my mind, I continued to take creative writing classes throughout my adult life. The culmination of my efforts resulted in the completion of my first novel after I retired. 

WAS THERE A TEACHER OR OTHER MENTOR WHO INFLUENCED YOUR WRITING? My high school English teacher was my first mentor. I have had several since and with each step, I have been encouraged to continue.

HOW DID YOU GET THE IDEA FOR YOUR AWARD WINNING BOOK? An in-class writing exercise resulted in the short story that became the background story for my book. The original character, David, didn’t want to end his journey and nagged me to keep writing until I had brought all of his family along on the ride. 

WHICH OF YOUR CHARACTERS FROM YOUR AWARD WINNING TITLE DO YOU BELIEVE ARE MOST LIKE YOU AND WHY? I would like to think that I have the determination and grit of Sarah, although I’m not sure I’m quite as brave.

WHAT MESSAGE DO YOU HOPE READERS WILL GLEAN FROM YOUR AWARD WINNING BOOK? That families can work through their rough patches if they communicate.  Despite outward appearances, we still have our faults and our strengths, and working together can bring peace and success
IF YOU COULD BE COMPARED TO A WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR WHO WOULD YOU MOST WANT THIS TO BE? In a couple of reviews my writing has been compared to The Narnia Chronicles and my favourite - The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. I love his writing and was thrilled to be compared.

IF A CLOSE FRIEND OR LOVED ONE WANTED TO WRITE A BOOK, WHAT GREATEST PIECE OF ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE THEM? I would tell them to write as often as they could, take classes, find a writing group to support and encourage. My groups have been invaluable to my process.

CAN YOU OFFER ANY ADVICE FOR WRITERS ON HOW BEST TO PROMOTE THEIR BOOK? Start before the book launch and drum up anticipation.

WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST LITERARY ASPIRATIONS? To complete the Secrets of the Home Wood series and start on other stories gathering momentum in the background.

TELL US SOMETHING PEOPLE MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU THAT THEY MIGHT FIND INTERESTING: As a late-bloomer, I really started living and experiencing life when I was in my 40’s: I learned to water ski, I got married in my 50’s and we adopted our teenage daughter, and in my 60’s I became a grandmother, learned to scuba dive and published my debut novel! It is never to late to do what interests you.

DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? I have the Secrets of the Home Wood sequel in the works. It is called The Stalker.  My next book carries on a couple of months after the story of the first book. It will be on Amazon and Kindle.

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Awards & Reviews International Book Awards • Top Honors Youth Book Awards • Seal of Approval

Monday, September 10, 2018

Author Wolfgang Parker on his Award-Winning Book


WAS THERE A TEACHER OR OTHER MENTOR WHO INFLUENCED YOUR WRITING? I was fortunate that Steve Niles, author of 30 Days of Night, was generous with his insight and encouragement.

HOW DID YOU GET THE IDEA FOR YOUR AWARD WINNING BOOK? The Crime Cats books were originally Christmas gifts for my 19 nieces and nephews. I never had intention of writing for kids. I was just looking for a way to stay in their lives and pass along some wisdom.

WHICH OF YOUR CHARACTERS FROM YOUR AWARD WINNING TITLE DO YOU BELIEVE ARE MOST LIKE YOU AND WHY? I see a lot of myself in Orville Dusenbury. He's the neighborhood recluse, who lives in a dilapidated house, and often relates to kids more than adults. He's a bit lost in life.

WHAT MESSAGE DO YOU HOPE READERS WILL GLEAN FROM YOUR AWARD WINNING BOOK? That we must let go of anger. It becomes poison to our bodies and souls if we hold onto it.

TELL US SOMETHING FUN ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE AS A WRITER: More than a few of my readers believe I am actually a werewolf. So far, I've had nothing to do with the perpetuation of this myth.

IF YOU COULD BE COMPARED TO A WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR WHO WOULD YOU MOST WANT THIS TO BE AND WHY? John Bellairs. His work was a major influence on my own writing.

WHAT HAS HAD THE GREATEST IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE? My own self-discovery. The more I work through the process of figuring out who I am—and who I've been—the more I'm able to take part in life. I have a long history of dysfunction that stems from childhood trauma.


IF A CLOSE FRIEND OR LOVED ONE WANTED TO WRITE A BOOK, WHAT GREATEST PIECE OF ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE THEM? Write for the love of writing. The fewer expectations you place on yourself and the book, the more you'll enjoy it.


WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR GREATEST LITERARY ACCOMPLISHMENT? Writing three novels. And by that, I mean I actually finished them.

WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST LITERARY ASPIRATIONS? I would like to make my living as a creative writer.

TELL US SOMETHING PEOPLE MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU THAT THEY MIGHT FIND INTERESTING: I was a punk rock recording artist once upon a time. I toured and still have fans all over.

Crime Cats: Missing (which won the Silver Medal in the Literary Classics Awards in 2016)

DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW BOOKS IN THE WORKS? I will be working on the fourth Crime Cats novel later this year

LITERARY CLASSICS Book Awards & Reviews International Book Awards • Top Honors Youth Book Awards • Seal of Approval